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02 9418 7565

We are

ThinkFrame Media

We make great videos easy for you.

An Australian company with a network of dedicated producers and creators that care about your message.

We create videos anywhere in the world.

Kickstart your project

Explore three different ways to start scoping your project.

Pre-scoped Solutions 

Compare the features of curated and fully priced production packages.

Bespoke Production

Know what you need?

Use our simple briefing form.


Be inspired by existing content that works.

You're in good company

Behind the Action

Quality video production can be complex. We make it easier for large and small businesses because we get to know your content properly, understanding your communication needs, and then creating quality content that targets your audience.

We offer pre-scoped, pre-priced video production solutions that can be tailored to your needs. It's a transparent process that can help you kick-start your video production quickly.

And it doesn't end with one video. We build lasting relationships with our clients. You benefit from us building knowledge of your business, leading to a short-hand. We get to know what you like and what you don't. We are an extension of your team, working for your brand.

With over 20 years in the businessm we've filmed in every environment imginable.

We match the right creatives and crew to suit your project. We have a network of the industry's best. We listen, we interpret and we create engaging video content that suits your story and your audience.

We are not a technology platform; we are talented creators ready to deliver fast, efficient and high quality video production.

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