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Animation / Explainer

Video Production

Animated videos are a business's magic wand, transforming complex ideas into engaging stories. They captivate audiences, simplify intricate concepts, and boost brand identity with vibrant visuals. We offer a range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

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Work with a skilled animator to bring your story to life in an engaging two minute infographic video.

This package includes:

✓ Production management
✓ Creative development
✓ Motion designer / animator
✓ Royalty-free music
✓ Narration
✓ Up to 2min finished video

Animation (Simple)



A high quality 2-minute animated video with script editing, narration and music.

This package includes:

✓ Production management
✓ Creative development
✓ Script editing
✓ Style frames or storyboard
✓ Motion designer / animator
✓ Royalty-free music
✓ Narration

Animation (Premium)



A creative team will help write, develop and bring to life your high quality animated video.

This package includes:

✓ Production management
✓ Creative development
✓ Scriptwriting
✓ Style frames or storyboard
✓ Video director
✓ Director during editing
✓ Motion designer / animator
✓ Royalty-free music
✓ Narration
✓ 3 edit reviews
✓ Up to 2min finished video

Animation (Full Service)



Engaging character animation will entertain and inform your audience.

This package includes:

✓ Production management
✓ Creative development
✓ Scriptwriting
✓ Style frames or storyboard
✓ Video director
✓ Motion designer / animator
✓ Royalty-free music
✓ Narration
✓ Up to 2min finished video

Character Animation (Full Service)

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More video content types

Browse other content types. We have ready-to-go packages that can be tailored to suit your needs.

Company Promo

Video engages customers like no other medium. Create powerful promo videos that generate leads. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Training / Education

High quality training videos, targeting your audience. Engaging and informative. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

People / Customer Story

People tell engaging stories that captivate audiences. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Product Promo

Put your product front and centre with a dynamic promotional video. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.


Package your speech or panel discussion in a polished package that grabs attention. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Product Demo

Demonstrate and explain how your product works by showing it in action. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Interview / Testimonial

Build authenticity and trust in your brand with people talking honestly about your products and services. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Case Study

Audiences are engaged by authentic stories. Captivate your audience through interviews or mini documentaries. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Company Story / News

A range of options to tell your company's story in a compelling way, to an internal or external audience. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Teaser / Hype

Generate hype by teasing your audience with glimpses of what's to come. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Social Media

Engage your social media audience with a vibrant, dynamic video of 5 to 15 seconds, including your imagery and brand. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

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See examples of animation and graphics based videos

Phoenix Australia

The Effects of Trauma


Cochlear Lobby Display


Downer Brand Values Video


Xoom Workers Compensation

Creative Resort

Tenant Representation Services




Workers Compensation Changes


Gen3 Reusable Plastic Crate

Snowy Hydro

Cloud Seeding - How it Works

Creative Resort



Workers Compensation Reforms


Open up Your Career


Brisbane AirportLink M7


UGL - Did You Know?

Australiasian Railway Association

Australasian Railway Association

Creative Resort

Relationships Australia

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