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02 9418 7565
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Dedicated Producer

  • Your project will be managed by a dedicated producer, from start to finish.

  • Collaboration is personal. We are always available, just pick up the phone, email us, or send us a message on Slack, WhatsApp, or Teams.

  • We use a range of the best online collaboration solutions to support the smooth running of your project.

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End-to-end workflow

It's not a platform, it's personal.

We work how you want to work

  • From creative to completion, we can take care of everything or use us just for parts of the process you need.

  • Our internal processes keep you updated but not encumbered. Our workflow won't disturb your workflow.

  • Meetings can take place in-person or online, using your preferred video chat platform.

  • Your producer is always on-hand to help adjust the project to your changing needs.

  • Our production is agile, flexible production built for you.

The best post-production

  • All over Australia and all over the world, we engage the best editors and designers to bring your video to life.

  • We use Adobe suite of products wich provides the greatest compatibility with most other agancies and in-house teams.

  • We use, the industry's leading video review portal. Your comments will be fed directly to our editor's desktop.

Creative & planning

  • We can help you refine your brief and develop a robust plan with compelling creative.

  • Our storyboard services can help you pre-visualise your creative, espacially for premium animations.

  • Our scriptwritering services can help you articulate your vision with creative copy that captivates your audience.

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Shoot anywhere

  • Plan and manage shoots anywhere in Australia to create content relevant to your market.

  • We select the right people to work on your project.

  • An in-house producer will manage local crews, who understand the local context.

  • We make it easy for you, managing creatives to ensure the project stays on message and on track.

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An extension of your team

  • From the initial briefing, we quickly get to know your story and your ongoing communication needs.

  • We are a partner that extends your resources to deliver with an understanding of your brand, just like an in-house team.

  • We're interested in more than your current project - we're in it for the long haul.

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Centralised assets

  • Your video footage and other asstes are stored on our secure cloud servers so our editors can access the content from anywhere.

  • All your footage is archived in our asset library at no extra cost.

  • Leverage the value of existing footage by reusing on future projects.


  • Video content can be formatted for various online platforms.

  • We can deliver to your preferred video hosting platform.

  • All project files, including media content will be packaged and delivered to you for your own archiving.

See how it works

Click here

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Explore our video production services

Full Video Production

A fully directed video, including creative, script, narration, graphics and editing for a video of up to 3 minutes. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Video Shoot & Edit

A video shoot with a skilled camera/sound operator, edited into a great video for your audience. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Video Shoot

Capture cinematic excellence with our video shooting services, skilled at handling projects of any scale.

Video Edit

High quality video editing for all types of videos. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Animation / Explainer

Animated videos are a business's magic wand, transforming complex ideas into engaging stories. Check out our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.


Explore our content types

Company Promo

Video engages customers like no other medium. Create powerful promo videos that generate leads. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Training / Education

High quality training videos, targeting your audience. Engaging and informative. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

People / Customer Story

People tell engaging stories that captivate audiences. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Animation / Explainer

Animated videos are a business's magic wand, transforming complex ideas into engaging stories. Check out our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Product Promo

Put your product front and centre with a dynamic promotional video. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.


Package your speech or panel discussion in a polished package that grabs attention. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Product Demo

Demonstrate and explain how your product works by showing it in action. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Interview / Testimonial

Build authenticity and trust in your brand with people talking honestly about your products and services. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Case Study

Audiences are engaged by authentic stories. Captivate your audience through interviews or mini documentaries. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Company Story / News

A range of options to tell your company's story in a compelling way, to an internal or external audience. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Teaser / Hype

Generate hype by teasing your audience with glimpses of what's to come. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

Social Media

Engage your social media audience with a vibrant, dynamic video of 5 to 15 seconds, including your imagery and brand. Select from our range of fully customisable, pre-scoped solutions.

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