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Service Features

The personal service of a boutique video production company, with resources necessary to efficiently manage and execute large-scale projects.

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Simple Scoping Options

Our range of transparent scoping options, helps you select the right solution for your video project so you know what you're getting

Dedicated Producer

A dedicated producer, who understands your brand and your key messages will guide you through the process and offer advice on every aspect... and they will see your project through to delivery.

End-to-end Workflow

We can provide as much or as little as you need from concept and planning, right through to shooting, post-production, and delivery.

Quality Video Shooting

Choose what shoot options you need or we can select the right level of production for you. From fully-staffed premium crews to single-camera setups deployed today, we've got you covered. 

Editing & Animation

The best editors will craft your video into a compelling viewing experience, including footage, graphics, animation, music, and narration.

Asset Management

Optimise your return on investment with your assets stored and catalogued so they can be reused on your next project with us or anywhere else.

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Browse our work by category

Vegetation Power Worker Safety

Endeavour Energy

How to Document in a Home Care Setting

Health Television Network

Back on Track After Trauma

TrackSafe Foundation

Case Management for Coordinators

Health Television Network

McCafe Training


The Scheme, The Company, The Future

Snowy Hydro

Endeavour Energy Visitor Safety

Endeavour Energy

Cloud Seeding

Snowy Hydro

Workers Compensation Reforms


Relationships Australia

Creative Resort

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Kickstart your project

Explore three different ways to start scoping your project.

Pre-scoped Solutions 

Compare the features of curated and fully priced production packages.

Bespoke Production

Know what you need?

Use our simple briefing form.


Be inspired by existing content that works.

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