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Video Production Solutions

We provide pre-scoped solutions for your convenience. All of these can be customised to suit your needs.

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Training or Educational Video

Engage and inform your learners with a high quality training video.

Presenter Shoot (Standard)

You provide the presenter and we'll provide the rest. A high quality 'talking-head' shoot with simple teleprompter.



Presenter Shoot (Pemium)

Your presenter will shine with a fully directed four-hour shoot, with script editing on the run.



Full Service Presenter Shoot & Edit

Fully scripted and directed with a professional presenter, filmed in one day and edited to approx 6 minutes.



3 Day Shoot & Edit

A first-class training video created from your script, filmed over 3 days and edited with graphics.



Clinical Demo Shoot

A fully directed two-camera demo shoot in one day with your subject matter expert.



Clinical Demo Shoot & Edit

A demo video filmed with 2 cameras with a prompter and fully edited. You provide the subject matter expert.



SME Interview Shoot - 2 Camera

A profesionally conducted filmed interview of your subject matter expert, including formulating leading questions.



Premium Scripted Shoot & Edit

A fully scripted and directed training video, filmed in one day and edited to approcimately 6 minutes.



Full Service Animation

A creative team will help write, develop and bring to life your high quality animated video.



Scripted Character Animation

Your own quality, scripted character animation will engage and inform your audience.



Animation or Explainer Video

Complicated concepts are explained effectively with engaging animations and infographics.

Animation (Simple)

Work with a skilled animator to bring your story to life in an engaging two minute infographic video.



Animation (Premium)

A high quality 2-minute animated video with script editing, narration and music.



Animation (Full Service)

A creative team will help write, develop and bring to life your high quality animated video.



Character Animation (Full Service)

Engaging character animation will entertain and inform your audience.



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Company Promo Video

Motivate your audience to action with company promo videos of any size. Explore our pre-scoped solutions or brief us for a bespoke solution.

Promo Video (Full Service)

Your brand story told by the best in the business. A short company profile video gets to the heart of your key messages.



People or Customer Story Video

Audiences are engaged by authentic stories. Captivate your audience through interviews or mini documentaries.



Customer Story (Standard)

Unscripted videos are a powerful, authentic way to build credibility for your brand.



Customer Story (Muli-Location)

Let your customers tell your story through interviews filmed in two separate locations.



Customer Story Series

A series of five engaging customer stories filmed in different locations.

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Product Promo Video

Your product will look its best with a high quality product promo video for your website.

Product Promo (Standard)

Showcase your product with a short, dynamic video. It is the most powerful way to increase sales.



Product Promo (Premium)

A high-end video for your high-end product. We guide you through from script to screen.



Speaker or Presenter Video

Stregthen your brand or inform your staff through engaging company story videos.

Speaker Video Edit (10min)

You shoot, we edit. A ten minute speech, professionally filmed and edited, including your own slide deck.



Speaker Video Edit (20min)

You sheet, we edit. A twenty minute speech, professionally filmed and edited, including your own slide deck.



Speaker Shoot & Edit (Standard)

A simple speaker-based presentation video filmed at your location and edited into a three minute video.



Speaker Shoot & Edit (Premium)

A great choice for making your executives look their best as they deliver important information in a relatable way.



Speaker Shoot & Edit (10min)

A ten minute speech, professionally filmed and edited, including your own slide deck.



Speaker Shoot & Edit (20min)

A twenty minute speech, professionally filmed and edited, including your own slide deck and brand assets.



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Product Demo Video

There's nothing more powerful than a demo video to show your audience how your product works.

Product Demo (Standard)

A quality demo video. Explain you your customers how to use your product.



Product Demo (Premium)

A more complex demo video, with two cameras and high quality motion graphics.



Company Story or News

Stregthen your brand or inform your staff through engaging company story videos.

Company Story (Standard)

Content filmed for you. Tell customers about your brand and what makes it special.



Company Story (Premium)

A detailed and creative approach to your company story, including a high level of production to bring your story to life.



Company News

Deliver your company news story with this simple, fast solution.



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Case Study Video

Showcase the outcome of a project or study.

Case Study (Standard)

Capture your story through interviews and on-location footage in this simple, effective video package.



Case Study (Premium)

An experienced director will help capture your story through interviews and on-location footage.



Case Study (Multi-Location)

Your story captured through interviews and on-location footage in two separate locations.



Case Study Series

Your story captured through a series of case study videos, in five locations. Edited into a compelling video story.



Interview or Testimonial Video

There's nothing more powerful than a demo video to show your audience how your product works.

Interview (Standard)

Unscripted videos are authentic and build credibility for your brand.



Interview (Long)

A documentary-style interview, filmed with two cameras and edited to include graphics and your slide presentation.



Interview (Multi-camera)

A dynamic style to capture a compelling interview. Two cameras will ensure the interview is captured in an engaging way.



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Teaser, Hype or Event Video

Great teaser and hype videos that promote your event and excite your audience.

Event Highlights Video

You've had a successful event and you've filmed it. Let us edit a dynamic two-minute record of the event.



Teaser Video Edit

A 60 second teaser video created from your brand elements and storyboard.



Hype Video

A 60 second hype video, including your brand assets, graphics and footage to hype up interest.



Need something more bespoke?

Click here and tell us what you need.

Social Media Video

Short, dynamic videos created and formatted to engage a social audience.

Social Media Ad

A creative, dynamic social media video to get you noticed!



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