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6 Benefits of Using Video for Training

An electricity worker reaches to cut a tree branch with a small chainsaw on a pole. A spark jumps from nearby power lines to the chainsaw.

You can save time, money, and resources by using video to disseminate educational, informative, and business-critical information. This means that every company should make it a priority to increase the amount of video content in their learning and development efforts.

There has been a 97% increase in online learning content since 2019.

We have also seen a lot of remote working training videos, government guideline videos, company updates and team training, and the trend is set to continue, as 41% of students say their eLearning courses are better than face-to-face classes. But eLearning can be supercharged with video. Nearly 60% of students believe that pre-recorded video messages are the best way to welcome new employees. It is clear, then, that the increase in video content is here to stay. So, how do those involved in creating these videos make sure they are structuring them for 100% success?

How and why is video being used?

HR departments are using video throughout all facets of their operations, from virtual training and recruiting to making culture videos and employee spotlights. Through leadership announcements, video is often utilised to communicate internal operational changes. The advantages of using video for these practises are numerous. Video has been demonstrated to lower leadership obstacles, promote purpose in the remote world, improve employee experiences, offer clarity on goals, and reassure people that you are listening.

It is not just employers that are reaping the benefits from the use of video. It has been found that employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than they are to read text. In addition, 42% of employees would rather have flexible video options – such as pre-recorded messages – in addition to scheduled virtual meetings.


The benefits

1. Training videos are powerful

Video can transport learners to familiar environments that they can relate to, giving you the opportunity to safely present powerful learning scenarios that are memorable. You can share stories of real people through documentary style videos that change attitudes. You can easily demonstrate soft skills with dramatized case studies. And at the other end of the scale, you can harness the power of video to clearly demonstrate processes.

Altura Learning is an great example of how video can be used to deliver engaging learning content that leads to real outcomes.

2. Training videos are customisable

Video is a medium that can be twisted, hammered, and moulded to fit the culture and training programme of your organisation. It's extremely adaptable and nearly limitless in terms of the notions it can represent. So, whether you're onboarding your new hire, a video will be able to catch and retain your audience's attention long enough for them to learn and engage.

Different learning styles can also be accommodated through video. Because everyone learns differently, some people are readers and some people are visual learners, you can tailor your video content to the user's preferred learning style, for example, by incorporating a blended learning approach into your training video, which could supplement your existing offline or written components.

3. Training videos are scalable

Whether you have a small team scattered throughout the nation or a huge workforce spread across the globe, video training has become a scalable solution to teach in a systematic and cohesive manner. Because the material is video-based, it is simple to successfully engage employees in completely different states or regions in which your organisation operates. A video has durability as a scalable solution, which means it may be utilised and then transmitted frequently as long as the material stays relevant.

4. Training videos are cost-effective

Videos enable rapid deployment. With modern technology, such as the cloud hosting, your training materials can be made instantaneously available to your employees.

You may videotape training sessions and make them available to team members who were not there at the time.

Training videos can help reduce the requirement for travel and all of the resources that come with it. They enable you to access and teach an unlimited number of remote employees at any time, from any location, using any device. This is an efficient technique to present your new product not only to customers but also to your workers.

As for production, with new technology, production and post-production tools and services are much more affordable for everyone now. ThinkFrame Media offers a variety of training video production solutions to enable organisations to create high-quality content, cost-effectively.

If your hesitation is knowing where to start, or you’re stuck, or you’re too busy, third-party service providers like ThinkFrame Media can help with your end-to-end video production. Our Creative Support team are on hand to help you develop your video content strategy and content.

5. Training videos are always on

A distribution plan should be developed to suit your content storage needs. Video can be accessible to your workers at any time, from any location, and on any device.

6. Training videos are shareable

Aside from their ease of distribution, videos may also be shared. People tend to share them on to their circle of friends because they are interesting, informative, and motivating. What motivates individuals to share?... Sharing experiences and knowledge is a natural part of the human condition. 84% People want to spread the word about something that they believe in.

If this information was helpful, subscribe to our blog. Contact ThinkFrame Media for help creating your video production brief or try our pre-scoped video production options.

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