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Video Production Services

The personal service of a boutique video production company, with resources necessary to efficiently manage and execute large-scale projects.

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Creative & Planning

The success of video communication is as much about planning as it about an inspired idea. We work with our clients to refine their brief and develop a comprehensive plan for their project, and then we execute the production with quality creative to deliver a finished video that motivates audiences.

Creative Development

From the initial flicker of an idea, we can help you develop your project into a robust plan with compelling creative. Regardless of how well developed your idea is, bring it to ThinkFrame. We'll scope it and deliver a cost-effective solution.


Elevate your vision with our storyboarding service. Our artists will transform your ideas with detailed illustrations, ensuring a cohesive and captivating narrative. Trust us to craft the perfect pre-visual framework for a video that is not just seen but experienced.


Our wordsmiths are adept at weaving compelling narratives that resonate and engage. Let us articulate your vision with creative scripts that serve as the heartbeat of your video content and captivate your audience from the first word.

Video Shoot

Capture cinematic excellence with our video shooting services, skilled at handling projects of any scale. From intimate interviews to complex, fully crewed shoots, the finest production professionals from all over Australia and beyond will ensure every frame is shot with artistry.

  • We plan and manage shoots anywhere in Australia to create content relevant to your market.

  • We select the right people to work on your project.

  • An in-house producer will manage local crews, who understand the local context.

Customisable Shoot Solutions

Simple Video Shoot

A simple shoot with a director/cinematographer and lighting.

Simple Studio Shoot

A simple shoot with a director/cinematographer in a studio with lighting, sound and backdrops.

Shoot Your Presenter

Your provide the presenter and we'll film them in a high quality 'talking-head' style shoot with simple teleprompter.

Shoot Your Presenter (Premium)

Your presenter will shine with a fully directed four-hour shoot, with script editing on the run.

Shoot with Talent

A simple shoot with professional talent, director/cinematographer, camera assistant, lighting and sound.

See our full range of shoot packages

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Need something more bespoke?

Click here and tell us what you need.

We Shoot Anywhere

Kickstart your project

Explore three different ways to start scoping your project.

Pre-scoped Solutions 

Compare the features of curated and fully priced production packages.

Bespoke Production

Know what you need?

Use our simple briefing form.


Be inspired by existing content that works.

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Our network of talented editors will infuse your footage with creativity and finesse, transforming raw clips into polished gems. From high quality graphics to seamless edits and sweet sound design, we craft a final product that leaves a lasting impact on audiences everywhere.

Customisable Video Editing Solutions

Video Edit (Standard)

A high quality video crafted from existing script, footage and your brand assets. Includes voice-over and music.

Video Edit (Premium)

Developed from your existing script, a high quality video with motion graphics. Includes voice-over and music.

Stock Footage-based Video

A dynamic video created entirely from premium stock footage and quality motion graphics.

Event Highlights Video

You've had a successful event and you've filmed it. Let us edit a dynamic two-minute record of the event.

Speaker Video Edit (10min)

You shoot, we edit. A ten minute speech, professionally filmed and edited, including your own slide deck.

See our full range of editing packages

Click here.

Need something more bespoke?

Click here and tell us what you need.

Customisable Animation Solutions

Animation (Simple)

Work with a skilled animator to bring your story to life in an engaging two minute infographic video.

Animation (Premium)

A high quality 2-minute animated video with script editing, narration and music.

Animation (Full Service)

A creative team will help write, develop and bring to life your high quality animated video.

Character Animation (Full Service)

Engaging character animation will entertain and inform your audience.

See our full range of animation packages

Click here.

Need something more bespoke?

Click here and tell us what you need.

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